Food System Resilience Program

Food Sovereignty and Resilience

The Food System Resilience Program is a five-year program that is implemented across seven (7) countries in Africa, including Sierra Leone. For Sierra Leone, the program is worth USD 135mil through three (3) funding sources: 1) the original FSRP (World Bank) - USD 60mil, 2) the Crisis Response Window (CRW) (World Bank) - USD 50mil, and 3) the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) - USD 25mil.

FSRP Sierra Leone has five core components, implemented across the 15 agricultural districts in Sierra Leone and focuses mainly on three value chains including Rice, Cassava, and Livestock.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security is the Principal Implementing Agency, responsible for providing leadership in establishing and managing the Program Implementation Unit (PIU), and supporting activity implementation and supervision through its national and district level structures.

The effects of climate change have been a global challenge, considerably affecting all sectors in different ways. In Sierra Leone, climate change has become a nightmare for farmers, with its effects tremendously threatening farming efforts.

  •  03/12/2025 04:34 PM

Over 70% of the farming population in Sierra Leone are in rural areas, mainly engaged in rain-fed subsistence farming with less than 1 hectare of land holdings. Given this scale of farming, there has been little or no surplus to support the staple food consumption needs of the country, making Sierra Leone a net importer of food.

  •  03/05/2025 11:10 AM

On the 21st November 2024, ​the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Dr. Henry Musa Kpaka Delivers Pubic Lecture on Feed Salone Actions at the Njala University, Njala Campus, inspiring over 500 students to pursue Agriculture as a Business.

  •  11/21/2024 12:00 AM

On the 16th of August 2024, the FSRP conducted an E-Voucher operation training for Agro-dealers contracted for the supply of inputs to FSRP supported farmers across the 15 agricultural districts in Sierra Leone.

  •  08/21/2024 12:58 PM

FSRP Sierra Leone attended a Regional Technical Meeting on Component One of the FSRP in Accra, Ghana on the 4th and 5th of July 2024.

  •  07/08/2024 11:19 AM
  • Youyi Building, Freetown, Sierra Leone
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