Project Appraisal Document

Provides Detailed Content of the FSRP including all countries in Phase 2

Program Implementation Manual

Provides detailed guideline on the delivery approach for all components of the program.

Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Manual

Articulates in detailed the Monitoring and Evaluation System of the FSRP at the Regional Level.

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Comprehensive Guide for FSRP M&E Functions

FSRP Quarterly Report

Provides detailed report on FSRP's implementation progress.

Grievance Redress Mechanism

An instrument that articulates the approach for dealing grievances in the program.

GBV/SEA/SH Action Plan

Articulates the framework followed by the program during implementation to mitigate and respond to incidences of GBV/SEA/SH.

Gender Gap and Social Inclusion Action Plan

Articulates the processes followed by the program during implementation to mainstream gender, youths’ engagement, and involvement of vulnerable groups like PWDs to help close existing gaps in accessing productive resources.

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

An instrument that Prescribes how the project identifies and deals with Environmental and Social risks associated with the project.

Labour Management Plan

Summarizes key labour-related risks and issues associated with the project and how the project deals with them.

Resettlement Policy Framework

An instrument that provides guidance to establish resettlement for project affected persons.

Pest Management Plan (PMP)

The instrument provides guidance on how to minimize and manage the environmental and health risks associated with the use of pesticides.

Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

Aticulates how the project manages communications with the project stakeholders.