21 Aug

On the 16th of August 2024, the FSRP conducted an E-Voucher operation training for Agro-dealers contracted for the supply of inputs to FSRP supported farmers across the 15 agricultural districts in Sierra Leone.

The overall aim of the training  was to provide all FSRP contracted agro-dealers the necessary tools and knowledge to be able to operate the E-Voucher platform as a Government's recommended system for directing input supports to farmers in Sierra Leone. Drawing upon the premise upon which this system was recommended i.e., creating efficiency in agricultural inputs delivery and reducing the possibities for misappropriation, FSRP sees the need to build the capacity of the private actors engaged at any given time.

The E-Voucher is a digital platform that serves as a transaction medium between Agro-dealers, Farmers, and the FSRP (Sponsor), giving power to farmers to own their benefits and equally confirm to the sponsors on the receipt of services.

Specifically, the training targeted the following objectives:

  • Establishment of user accounts for agro-dealers and salespersons
  • Provide hands-on training on how to use the system for all transaction relation operations
  • Authenticate users (agro-dealers) in the system based on the assigned districts of operation, input types, and contract value.
  • Provide list of focal farmers that receives e-voucher on behalf of groups

In total, 42 persons (agro-dealer representatives) participated in the training with 6 females and 36 males. 

During the training, lessons were drawn from 2023 operation to create learning and bring the new recruits up to speed in the process. Successes and challenges encountered in implementing the 2023 E-voucher system were discussed and suggestions were made in a participatory manner. However, the developers were hired to do upgrades that answer most of the concerns raised.

NITCH Technology is the service provider that developed the system and provide technical guidance including this training. Until the system is handed over, NITCH Technology will continue the technical support with FSRP team.

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